A lightweight modulable jib system, able to support light camera or gimbal packages.

Modulable System
The OctoJib is made by 3 specifics parts (Camera Front Nose, Conterweight Support & Pantograph) assembled together with the Octogrip Bilite, Pipe & Couplers.
- Octogrip Bilite is used for the Jib’s body offering a large choice on the Jib’s length. (1 m / 1,2 m / 1,5 m / 2 m / 3 m / 4 m (max))
- The super CPK is used for the Jib pivot (allowing sliding adjustment between front & back extension.)
- The 90° Ocotgrip couplers assemble strongly all parts together
The result is a Super light and modular Jib System allowing 6 arm’s length from 1m to 4m.

Camera Front Nose

Pantograph Mounted on Super CPK

Conterweight Support

Octorip 90° couplers assemble strongly all parts together
Light System
Less than 100kg in 4m version (including camera package & counterweight), the OctoJib fit on heavy light stand or on common dollies.
This impressive lightness & modularity allows to use the OctoJib in the most difficult places to access…