“4 Wheels” Base
Durable, Sturdy and light 4 wheels frame equipped with two seat’s docking diam. 25.5mm (idem Chapman and Fisher dollies seats docking) and the “Double Docking Mount” able to receive a combination of Gas Risers and/or Adapters. In addition to that, the Gaz Riser Bazooka Dolly also benefits from
- interchangeable Specifics Wheels types
- Platforms covering 360°.
- Jib’s Pyramid support.
- Push Bars
- 2 different Tracking Width
Gas Risers
The Gas Riser family include 3 interchangeable riser’s sizes reaching a large telescopic range > Gas Riser specifications
Specific Wheels Types
Depending the choice of the wheels, the bazooka can be used on floor, on track or both > Wheels specifications
Double Docking Mount
The Double Docking Mount allows Gas Risers and Adapters use side by side > Double Docking Mount specifications
Adapters & Accessories
Adapters & Accessories can be added to the base offering solid and uncompromise solutions for camera or Jib positioning > Adapters & Accessories specifications
Tracks Width Compatibilities
The Gas Riser Bazooka Dolly dimensions allows tracking shots on Standard Tracks Width 620mm or 805mm Tracks Width (Carb Peewee Standard) > Tracks Width specifications